Getting started first time around

Difficulty:Very Easy,


How: Playing the game!

When: Start of the game

Pros: A nice base and equipment to start off with.

Cons: Can take a while to actually start the gaming.

Note: This is for the old update, a new version with the added interface will be added soon. The information is still relevant but there are parts missing.

NOTE: I do paraphrase some of AdricTheGreat’s tips. Want it direct from the source? Then check his tutorial In the premium video guides section.

Oh look at you all bright eyed and bushy tailed! You think your ready for the pre-alpha PZ? Look at you go….. Dead. See life ain’t too easy out there, but don’t worry I am here to help!

Firstly I do HIGHLY recommend that you play the game once or twice anyways so there isn’t any surprises, there is alot of stuff I am going to ruin in this guide which are quite giggle worthy to find on your own. However perhaps you already know what to do and just want to skip the tutorial. Well if that is the case then keep an eye out for this END TUTORIAL

For the rest of us, let’s start!

First let’s familirise ourselves with all the icons on the screen.

This will be explained a bit more in the tutorial, but this is your inventory icon.

The inventory is used to keep track of all the items you may come across, if you want to add an item to your inventory then all you do is click on the item then click on the box icon. If you want to access the inventory however just click on the box and you will presented with this box.


All those empty boxes are for your items, this is where they are stored. Up at the top is the weight counter, those of you who are familiar with RPG’s know about the weight limit. In this game however it is a little different the higher the number goes up the shorter you can run and eventually when near the top will mean a slower walking speed, go over it completely and you won’t be able to walk. If you want to find out how much an item ways just hover your mouse cursor over the item in question.

Now lets move onto….

The heart
Which I am sure many of you can guess is your health. When you click on it you will be presented a picture of Bob’s body.


The body will highlight red in the areas that have been injured. The bar next to it can act as your health bar in general. If you get injured there are usually many ways to heal yourself makeshift bandages, painkillers, beta blockers (more for the psyche) and sleeping pills are all health items that need to be administered. To admister these items all you have to do is, click on the health object then click on the heart much like how you put an item in your inventory.

Now we move onto….

Primary and Secondary Bubbles:

(Refer to image below)

This is pretty easy to explain the big circle is where your weapon of choice goes and the second one is the secondary weapon holder. My biggest suggestion for this is to put the wood planks there in case you are in a hurry to barricade something, then it means it is just there, ready to go.

I feel the clock is pretty self explanatory so I leave that to you.

Now to move onto the actual game.

When you first start of you will be in a room with your wife, you will notice these…


These are just tutorial bubbles now these are really helpful on their own but just in case, you can click “No more” and recieve no more hints as I will be explaining most things here.

First of your wifes injured, go to the closet behind you and click on it to access it collect the sheets but don’t take the pillow we don’t want that…. yet 8-) put the sheets into your inventory by clicking the sheets then clicking on the box at the top left hand corner.


Now it is time to craft click on your inventory and at the bottom of the inventory screen there is some hammer and nails, this is your crafting screen, click on that and put the sheets into the box as shown.


Take the results and put them in your inventory. Then move up to your wife click on your inventory take the bandages and click on your wife. Congratulations you have sucessfully bandaged your wife now it’s time to go grab some painkillers. go to the bathroom behind you and grab the painkillers which can be found in the cabinet above the sink and use them on your wife in the same way as the bandages.

Now it is time to fortify your new home go into the shed by leaving through the door in the kitchen.

Get to the shed and grab the hammer nails and board. Put the hammer in the big circle and the board in the smaller circle while putting the nails in your inventory. Use the hammer by pressing Ctrl + Left click and swing at the door to break it and recieve more wood.



Head back to the house and go through the kitchen door barricade all the windows and the door in the kitchen.


Move southeast through the house, where there will be 3 doors and a window. Barricade the window next to the door, but not the door (you will find out why soon enough). Behind you there are 2 other doors, barricade the futhest door and then break down the first door for more wood. Now go upstairs and barricade all the windows in the room you started off in, then go to the bathroom and barricade the window through there. Barricading windows is quite possibly the most important thing to do, zombies are able to see you walking around when you are upstairs. If that were to happen then they would all come shuffling towards the house! We don’t want that. Remember if you can see them, then they can see you.