Story – “The Hypochondriac”

by beeawwb

Summary: Adds an additional side quest in the story modes.


Additional Information: I’ve made on a story mod which can bolt on to any additional story. Rather than being a story in and of itself, it’s a ‘sidequest’ so to speak, which is only activated by exploring the rest of the world.

Bob, or whomever the player is, stumbles across a reclusive hypochondriac (Howie Hews) barricaided in the top floor of the apartment complex. If Bob chooses to help (The quest has rejection conditions) the hypochondriac will enlist Bob in fetching as many tissues as he can find. In return, he will provide Bob with much needed supplies.

How to use: Extract “Hypochondriac_real.txt” in to any existing story. I suggest copying the entire “KateBaldspot” story and adding it to that. Otherwise, download the full KateBaldspotGerm.rar file for a ready to use experience.

*Works with anything! Quest can bolt on to other stories.
*Explore the suburbs! Quest is only unlocked through exploration.
*Choose to help, or not! Ability to reject the quest. (Which may result in death)
*Fun! Fetch pointless objects for a reclusive old man.

At the moment, the commands to “deliver” the tissues don’t exist, so for now you just have to collect 10 tissues and bring them back. I’ll change it in later versions.


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