How to add your mod to

Step one: Make an account on the website.


You will be given a password to your email account. Log in and change the password to something reasonable.


You will automatically be assigned the role of “Junior Member”. You will be able to edit your own posts once they are published, and submit new mods/guides/etc for publishing, but you will not be able to publish posts without me checking it first.

To make a new post click on the posts section and then new post.


Give your mod a name and then copy and past the below text into the “html” section
Then go back to the “Visual” mode.

<Strong>Summary: </strong>This is a twitter-sized summary of your mod.

<strong>Download: </strong> <a href=””></a>


<strong>Installation:</strong> Installation instructions

<Strong>Additional Information: </strong>More details of your mod. Pictures/etc. You tube videos. Whatever you want can go under the “more” section.




Your screen should now look like this.


Next edit all the areas so that they are appropriate for your mod.

Then make sure to click the “mod” box and then click “submit for review”.


Tah dah! I’ll approve your mod shortly and it will automatically be added to the site. Once it is on the site you can edit and update your mod whenever you like. If you are determined to be trustworthy you will be upgraded from Junior Member to Modder and will be able to publish new mods directly without having to go through me first.

Happy modding all!

Lastly: if you are the creator of one or more of the mods already on the site, let me know and I will give you privileges to edit those mods.