Guide to your weapons

In “Project Zomboid” your choice of weapon is everything, if you don’t pick the right weapon then you will be the starter in the buffet for zombies.

There are 2 types of weapons Ranged and Close Quarters, lets get started with….

The Shotgun


The shotgun is a potent weapon possible of killing 3-8 zombies if used correctly. Yet, you should never use this weapon unless you are swarmed and you have no other choice. “Why?” you may ask, to put it simply. Sound. Sound is your worst enemy in this game, the more sound that you create the more that zombies will begin to move towards the last known position. Now you may think “Well if I just move away from that position then I will be safe.” WRONG! In theory your right but the problem is zombie won’t just go “Oh crumbs it appears our dinner has escaped!” They will listen for more sounds and move towards that or even sight, they WILL find you make no mistake. Then you also have to worry about the humans….


Molotov Cocktail


The molotov cocktail an elegant device of burning, a key ingredient in zombie flombae. This much like the shotgun is more of a last resort sort of weapon. Fire is your second worst enemy (if that wasn’t apparent in the tutorial.) It can clear a huge wave of zombies but keep in mind don’t do it near your safe house or you might have to relocate!


Baseball Bat


Since there isn’t really a lot of weapons currently in Project Zomboid I am going a little bit of a stretch when I say this is a long ranged weapon but for the sake of argument lets say it is it can keep zombies at an arms length and can take on groups of 2-5 confidently any more and you can expect to run into a bit of trouble. The nice thing about these are low sounds and can usually take 1-3 hits on average to take a zombie down, however if you are looking for that extra bit of power then it is possible to upgrade the baseball to a spiked baseball bat.

Spiked Bat

A spiked baseball bat is fantastic and can usually kill a zombie in 1 or 2 hits. However, you still don’t want to get into too big of a fight.




This is like your Swiss army knife in the game: it is able to take down large groups of zombies killing them in 1 hit but it also allows you to knock down doors for wood quickly and effectively. This may sound like the perfect weapon but it comes with a fault a miss and you can say goodbye to a couple of chunks of Bob.




This is your beginner tool and not invaluable it helps you put up barricades but in a pinch can help you take out a couple of zombies, and I do mean a couple forgot about going after groups with 4 or more with the hammer does take about 3-5 hits before taking down a zombie so huge groups and you might as well take flight over fight. It does take down doors but prepare to stay for a while and is usually inadvisable.


Wood Planks


Although it is true that you can use this as a weapon good luck killing 1 zombie, this is more of a riot control to push the zombies away from you and take flight, DO NOT TAKE ON GROUPS WITH THIS! Just trust me when I say do not actively go into a fight with this as you will lose.



Pictures: Courtesy of the PZ wiki