This week we have Ryan of Goddamnedgaming doing a playthrough (or two) of the older version of PZ. It was entertaining to watch, and I hope to see him doing a run of 0.2.0 in the future!
This week we have Ryan of Goddamnedgaming doing a playthrough (or two) of the older version of PZ. It was entertaining to watch, and I hope to see him doing a run of 0.2.0 in the future!
This week we have a nice modded version of 0.2.0 made by geobaldi5 he does a good job exploring the world, armed with his trusty wrench. Looking forward to the next part of his playthrough! Enjoy!
Hey everyone! I’ve switch webhosts, so hopefully you will see an improvement in the loading times of my website! Let me know if you have noticed a difference! Thanks!
Seems that The Indie Stone has been putting in a lot of hard work during this Easter weekend, as you can see by this YouTube video (watch it on High Quality!) Sure, everyone’s in their underwear right now, but DAMN they look more fluid. Throw some random clothes and hair on those zombies and BAM. Everything will look a hundred million times better than it did last week. Hot damn The Indie Stone is good. Good work guys (and girl!)
With the testing of 0.2.0 in some pretty impressive stages, it seems that many people have been worried about the large gap between the system requirements of the current demo and the actual system requirements of the game in its current form. Continue reading
This week we have a blaze of glory video (followed by trying to find one’s former self) by wonderful youtuber sirtwiggy enjoy!
Hey everyone! Here’s my newest Project Zomboid video: Exploring Project Zomboid 0.2.0. In it I explore all the changes in the latest version, as well as prepare for an attempt at a long survival. Enjoy!
I would like to congratulate 121warb for being the first person to survive over a year in 0.2.0! Good work Warb! I hope to beat you soon!
The latest Indie Stone Video (which can be seen here) showcases the new pistol system, including the differences between unskilled and max level in the firearms perk. This game gets better every week. In my opinion the devs need some down time. Someone order those guys a pizza!
Hey guys! This week we have another person making an attempt at 0.2.0. Unfortunately he learns the hard way that butter knives make terrible zombie killing weapons. Enjoy!
Sorry everyone! It seems this site is taking a long time for some people to load. 15-25 seconds it would seem. I’m working on getting to the bottom of it. I may have to switch hosting services. We shall see. I’ll try to have things running quickly soon enough!
Exciting! The new version is out and people are already playing and making videos! I haven’t had time to make one yet, but I will soon! In the mean time here is paulsoaresjr making a good showing of the new features! Enjoy!
I have just finished updating the crafting section! It now has all of the current recipes available to 0.2.0e. I will keep it up to date as more recipes become available. Also submit your high scores to claim a place on the leaderboard! Just click the submit your score link at the top of the page and then provide a link to your screenshot in the comment section! Good luck everyone!